Tuesday, January 13, 2009

One Whole Month

Of not sleeping, being sick and the holidays. Oh Joy. I'm emerging on the other side, and now I've been charged with keeping a log. I've decided to do it here so that I can actually make time to keep track of the fun stuff and not just the eat, sleep, poop stuff.

Funny things that have happened lately:

Last night after pretending to be a train for a while I announced it was time for Mariah's bath. Kate was visibly disappointed. I asked her if she'd like to take the train to have a bath with Mariah. She was quite pleased. In the bath I convinced Kate to show Mariah how she can blow bubbles in the water. Mariah laughed so hard, I thought she was going to poop. Her whole face was red. She was as Kate would say "hysterical". Kate's new favorite word is scrumptious. She learned it on Sesame Street.

Kate loves to feed Mariah except that Mariah spits her food out to make Kate laugh. Its funny and irritating all at the same time...

I know there are more but my brain is non functional.

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