Sunday, November 30, 2008

Is it possible? We're all sleeping???

I'm not sure how many nights in a row it has been, but we've all been sleeping. Seems just when we were ready to throw in the towel and go for crying it out, everyone figured out how to sleep. Or it could be the humidifiers...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Have I posted yet? Further proof that sleep deprivation is a powerful thing...

I can't remember even setting up this blog. Huh. I guess I did, in a fit of creative productivity. Too bad I don't even remember creating it.

Well here's the scoop. Everything in my life right now revolves around sleep and getting more consecutive hours of it. Last night wasn't so bad - probably because the night before was HORRIBLE. Ken actually didn't sleep the night before last. I was too tired not to. This is what happened last night: Mariah was exhausted at dinner. By 6:45 she could barely keep her eyes open (this is what happens to babies when they don't actually sleep at night). At 6:50 I nursed her and worked hard to keep her awake. Then I washed her face because I could see that a bath was out of the question. I changed her diaper, put on her jammies, read a book and rocked her to sleep. I was done by 7:20. At 7:45, she woke up. At 8:20 I finally got her back down. Then, I went to Kates room to help her go to sleep. Back and forth until 9:45 when both girls seemed to be asleep. I think that might have been the last of it. 5am Kate woke up to pee, then Mariah woke up happily standing up in her crib calling to us. Ken brought her into me - I fed her in bed. He went into Kates room to help her go back to sleep (because at 5:30 she was still awake). Kate never went back to sleep, Mariah fortunately did. She and I slept until 8am when Kate came in and woke us up. There you go. A typically GOOD night at the NB House.